Thursday, 4 July 2019



  1. Kia Ora Room 12,

    Those omelettes look really yummy. Aren't you all a lucky bunch? You might have to share the winners' recipe, We'd love to try it.
    How did the Matariki Pikelets taste? I hope there weren't any burnt ones!

    From: Room 2, Edmund Hillary School

  2. Kia ora room 12 I Tautoko what Edmund Hillary said about sharing the recipe I looks pretty delicious on the plate. Tino reka te kai. I can offer one tip for the pikelets and that is let all the bubbles come out before you try to flip them over. Thanks for sharing on your blog.

  3. Hi Room 12, We are Room 3 at Matawai and here are our comments on your Matariki Omelettes.
    What a great idea for Matariki! We would like to do something like that.
    We made stars and named them.
    We planted garlic to celebrate Matariki. It has sprouted and is about 10 cms tall now.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi my name is Tiati I like your Matariki stars. It looks really yum how do you make the Matairki stars? bye bye

  6. Hi Room 12, I am from
    EdmundHillary School,
    I really like your guys
    matariki stars they look
    amazing! I'd like to see
    more posts from you guys
    blog Good bye from Teegan.

  7. Kia ora room 12,
    my name is Kelly and I go to Ohaeawai Primary school.
    I really like your guys idea for matariki stars, I think they look amazing.
    I would enjoy seeing you guys do some more. How long did it take you to make them? Blog you later.

  8. Kia Ora Rooom 12 we are Limihai and Tuamelie from EHS Those are really yum matariki Omelette and is it yum when you taste it and how did you make them so we can taste the flavour. From EHS Limihai and Tuamelie.
